Accounting Automation & Beyond

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Defining Digital Transformation


56% of business and IT decision makers claim that their digital transformation is already underway. What is Digital Transformation, and why have you been hearing so much about it lately?

What is digital transformation?

Digital Transformation is the transformation of business strategies and processes through the adoption and application of digital technologies.

Let's take a look at the definition of digital transformation, and how you can start a transformation of your own.

What Is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation Definition

Simply put, Digital Transformation is the transformation of business strategies and processes through the adoption and application of digital technologies.

In other words, business strategies are changing, as CIOs and CTOs share their vision of growth through the use of digital technologies like enterprise automation and cloud migration. All documents and data are stored within the cloud (great for security and access), and talent is augmented through task and process automation.

Your CIO’s #1 Initiative

58% of CIOs say growth is their #1 business priority for 2018. How does this go hand-in-hand with the digital transformation trend? It’s simple – their strategy for growth is a technology strategy that uses digital technologies to transform the business. Tools like Enterprise Automation Platforms and Process Modelers are defining their business transformation framework.

Where to Begin

When you’re ready to set a course for automation, there are three main objectives to keep in mind: education, your starting point, and the vision.

Staying Current with the Technology

You won’t be able to begin forming your new digital strategy until you’ve self-educated on the possibilities. It may be helpful to talk to some consultative salespeople from various software vendors, so they can lay out your options for you.

When you request a demo of their product, bring an understanding to your processes and your biggest challenges to the table.

Knowing Where to Start Automating

You can’t change everything all at once. It’s important to identify the area most in need of change, which should also be the area that will show the greatest results, which will help you get your team on board for more changes in the future. Check out this blog post to see where other companies have started their digital transformations: Enterprise Automation – Where Will You Begin?

Selling the Vision to Your Team

Your digital transformation must be well-planned and well-communicated. You’re going to have to prove the concept to your team, using hard data. That said, remember that you’re identifying the single greatest opportunity for growth as a starting point.

If you think you’ll have trouble expressing your digital strategy to the whole team, recruit some great communicators who can paint the picture for you. Be ready to answer all of their questions transparently, and to alleviate anxieties.

The Future of Automation

A study by Redwood Software predicts that 59% of business processes will be automated within the next five years. 83% of IT decision makers consider automation to be “essential” or “very important” to their companies. They’ve seen the light. All signs point to automation as the key to creating capacity for business growth. And that growth can be best achieved by investing in a scalable enterprise automation solution.

Learn more about how an Enterprise Automation Platform can be applied across your entire organization by downloading our free whitepaper: Enterprise Automation vs. Point Solutions.

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Steve Allen

Steve Allen is the founder and former CEO of DocuPhase, a best-in-class, browser-based software that delivers unmatched efficiency to companies around the world by automating core accounting processes. He drives the innovation and product vision of DocuPhase to develop solutions to simplify the workplace.