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5 New Year Resolutions to Improve Your Workplace in 2020

5 New Year Resolutions to Improve Your Workplace in 2020

It's hard to believe it's already 2020! As the new year begins, are you wondering what you might see in the coming year? How can you work towards improving your workplace? What kinds of new technologies will be available to you? How can you make your workplace more appealing to tech-savvy Millennials?

Experts predict that, over time, budding technologies, like Robotic Process Automation, will become more and more important in our daily work lives. Today we’ll take a look at 5 ways that RPA and other business technology trends can help you improve your workplace in the new year.

Make Life Easier on Your Team

If you could make one change that would make life easier on your team, would you do it? Of course you would! It’s not a fantasy. Workflow automation software can actually make work easier on your team. With automated routing, decision tasks, and notifications, your group will be tasked with less mind-numbing busywork and will be able to put their critical thinking skills to use. No more sending repetitive reminder emails or manually delivering documents to decision makers. Repetitive, rule-based tasks are taken care of for you, automatically.

Get Mobile

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If you want to keep top talent, it’s worth considering a work-from-home policy that will allow employees to work remotely as needed. In order to do make this work, you’ve got to get your data and documents online, so that your team can access what they need, when they need it, from wherever they happen to be working. Cloud storage is key, as is a document management system that will provide access to important documents via the web. A good document management solution will also allow you to upload documents on-the-go using mobile capture technology. All of this adds up to a better environment for your hardworking team.

Learn How to Access and Use Your Process Data

If you’re a COO or CFO, you know that numbers can make or break your business. Experts are recognizing that, across all industries, data is the key to growth. As pgi.com states, “One of the biggest trends that has continued to grow over the past few years is that data is becoming king.” It will continue to reign far into the future.

But how do you access the data you need, and how can you understand it once it’s at your fingertips? If you’re looking for tips on how and where to begin synthesizing your data, check out this LinkedIn Article for guidance: Must-Have Analytics for CFOs – Where to Begin.

Be Adaptable and Agile

Over the past couple of years, you’ve probably heard the term “agile” thrown around, whether it was in reference to development, or marketing, or other departments and functions. If you’re wondering what it means to follow an agile work model, let us fill you in. Agililty means being adaptable, working as a team in short bursts called sprints, keeping your goals in line with the business, and always improving. It’s about learning from your results and trying not to make the same mistake twice.

How can you apply these tenants to your workplace? By constantly re-evaluating and improving your processes. If you use business process automation, take a look at your analytics, and use them to determine how you can improve each process. Use your drag-and-drop workflow designer to make updates as needed.

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Make Your Environment More Millennial-Friendly

With Millennials invading the present-day workforce, it’s important to take the time to understand who they are and what they’re looking for in a career. How can you make your workplace more Millennial-friendly? Well, if you follow the first four steps above, you’re already off to a great start. Wondering what else your Millennial workforce is looking for? They’re looking for an emphasis on culture, rewarding work, and flexibility. To learn more about how to prepare your business for the influx of Millennials, take a look at this article: Preparing Your Business for the Millennial Takeover.

What’s next for you in 2019? While we can’t predict the future, one thing is certain. Cmswire.com says it best: “The digitization of the workplace is an ongoing process with a great deal yet to be done.” We’ll continue to take small steps toward the future, keeping our eyes open to the possibilities for innovation and improvement.

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