Accounting Automation & Beyond

DocuPhase’s blog provides valuable insight into how your company can benefit from implementing automation & document management into existing processes.

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Driving Dealership Success: Decoding Purchase Orders

By   Accounting Business Process AP Automation

Managing accounts payable (AP) processes in heavy trucking dealerships requires meticulous attention to detail. From parts and maintenance services to vehicle inventory, purchase orders (POs) play a c[...]

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Driving Dealership Success: Mastering Invoice Automation

By   Accounting Business Process AP Automation

Imagine a dealership where every day begins with a flood of invoices—papers stacked high, emails overflowing, and crucial details lost in the shuffle. For many dealerships, this scenario isn’t just a [...]

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How Automation is Shaping the Finance Department's Future

By   Educational AP Automation

Since its inception, automation has transformed every industry and process it touches. From car production to healthcare operations, this technology has been leveraged to noticeably improve efficiency[...]

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Streamline Your Dealership: A Guide to Paperless Document Management

By   Accounting Business Process AP Automation

Managing documents at a dealership involves handling many papers related to operations, sales, service and inventory. Misplacing an important invoice or service order can hinder crucial relationships [...]

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How Using a Virtual Credit Card Protects Payments from Fraud

By   Process Automation Fraud Payments

There are many ways for modern businesses to safeguard their important data against fraud. Regular audits, enhancing internal controls, and more robust employee training are often where organizations [...]

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Optimizing Your Dynamics ERP for Efficient Payment Processing

By   integrated systems Business Process AP Automation

Microsoft Dynamics is a dominant force in the ERP market. With a market share of 25.32%, it edges out even its closest competitors as the #1 preferred choice across a variety of industries in business[...]

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Driving Efficiency: DocuPhase-Powered Back Office Solutions for Truck Dealerships

By   Accounting Business Process AP Automation

In the active world of trucking dealerships, efficiency is vital. Every minute spent on manual paperwork or inefficient processes is a minute lost in terms of potential growth and profit. This is wher[...]

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The Impacts of Payment Fraud (and How Automation Works to Combat Them)

By   Process Automation Business Process Fraud

It is no secret that in today’s world of B2B payments, payment fraud can have severe implications for your business. From a tarnished professional reputation to costly process revisions, fraud-related[...]

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How Finance Leaders Can Gauge the Impact of AP Automation in Their Business

By   Business Process AP Automation

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is a phrase many of us use to avoid making changes to long standing habits, relationships, and even business processes. But what happens when the long-standing status[...]

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