University Of Nebraska-Lincoln


Higher Education




Web Forms


The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is a prestigious research institution renowned for its commitment to excellence in education, research, and innovation. With a rich history spanning over 150 years, UNL has a reputation for producing graduates who are well-prepared for successful careers and leadership roles in various fields.

Previously, UNL faced significant challenges managing their HR and finance processes. Each of the university’s departments had its own staff responsible for managing these complex procedures, resulting in over 120 different practices scattered across the campus.

The lack of standardization resulted in delays, errors, and difficulties in tracking and managing HR and finance operations effectively.

Recognizing the pressing need for a standardized approach to streamline and enhance these processes, UNL took proactive steps by creating a dedicated department called Shared Services. This department was tasked with identifying and seeking a digital solution that could bring consistency and efficiency to these critical processes. The goal was to streamline workflows, eliminate inconsistencies, and enhance overall productivity.

Results At A Glance

Greater Consistency

Template creation standardizes complex processes, ensuring consistency across numerous departments.

Seamless SharePoint Integration

DocuPhase syncs with SharePoint, automatically uploading completed forms for easy access from anywhere.


DocuPhase’s intuitive design enables non-developers to implement forms and workflows without coding expertise.

Improved Data Accuracy

Automated retrieval from UNL’s data warehouse ensures error-free input, leading to

What They Have To Say

Ben Lennander

Business Process and Transformation Director

“With [DocuPhase], functional offices like payroll no longer need to return for form corrections. Custom formulas also allow us to fetch accurate information from our data warehouse, making data collection faster and more accurate.”


The Solution

To make HR and finance processes more uniform and streamlined, UNL introduced its Shared Services department who began searching for a digital form and workflow solution. After considering several options, they selected DocuPhase for its competitive pricing and robust feature set.

DocuPhase’s intuitive drag-and-drop tools allow complex processes to be easily made into templates without any coding knowledge, so even non-developers find it easy to implement forms and workflows with the solution’s high level of configurability. DocuPhase forms also seamlessly integrate with other UNL systems, syncing data with their ERP platform and automatically uploading forms to SharePoint for easy access.

The creation of these centralized templates has enabled the administrative team overseeing all four University of Nebraska locations to efficiently view and manage UNL’s processes, ensuring compliance and consistency.

The Results

After noting the time savings, accuracy improvements, and error reductions made possible by DocuPhase forms and workflows, UNL has expanded its use of the solution beyond HR and finance and now utilizes more than 40 electronic forms and workflows campus wide. Implementing DocuPhase forms has significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of data verification. By leveraging custom formulas built to map data from databases into forms, UNL has streamlined data collection, resulting in greater confidence in the accuracy of records during review.

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